[音乐欣赏与音乐评论] 超级童声

发表于 2005-9-15 23:34:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


专集名称: 超级童声
演唱歌手: 群星
发行公司: N/A
发行日期: 2005-7-1
语言种类: 英语

1.All for Love-Stevie Brock
2.Mi Chula-Giovanni
3.Someday-Chloe Agnew
4.Heidenroslein-The Vienna Choir Boys
5.Auld Lang Syne-Declan Galbraith
6.Bridge Over Troubled Water-Charlotte Church
7.To Where You Are-Chloe Agnew
8.Some Things I Know-Billy Gilman
9.Les Choristes-Petits Chanteurs De Saint Marc
10.Boy Next Door-Triple Image & Stevie Brock
11.Dream A Dream-Charlotte Church & Billy Gilman
12.Lebt Denn Dr Alte Holzmichl Noch-Toni De Klaane Flugficht
13.I Found You-Stevie Brock
14.I Want You Back (Remix 88)-The Jackson Five
15.Tomorrow-Tevin Campbell
16.Let The Sunshine-Daniel Siegert
17.I'll Be There-Declan Galbraith
18.Our First Kiss-Billy Gilman
19.Concerto pour deux voix-Clemence & Jean-Baptiste Maunier
20.One Voice-Billy Gilman
21.Spend Another Night-Billy Gilman
22.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Declan's Prayer)-Declan Galbraith


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发表于 2005-9-15 23:34:00 | 显示全部楼层

Stevie Brock 是美国新进的流行乐少男偶像歌手,稳健的台风,成熟的演唱技巧,迷倒了美国不少的少男少女。虽然他获得的奖项大多是和外在有关的,但他在音乐上也是很有才华。从8岁开始,他就自己创作歌曲。他有着不错的音质和良好的节奏感,尤其擅长演唱轻快节奏的曲风。本专辑收录了他的首张专辑的主打歌《All for Love》以及体现出他特殊演唱技巧的《I Found You》。

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
Giovanni 的《MiChula》这首歌曲,只知道是来自委内瑞拉小歌手Giovanni 的首张专辑,希望这首很欢快的歌曲可以给大家多一点开心快乐的感觉。

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:37:00 | 显示全部楼层

Chloe Agnew 拥有干净清净而清亮的嗓音,但是最令人惊奇的是,年紀轻轻的她,感受度卻出奇敏锐,诠释歌曲的方式竟是如此真挚细腻,清新甜美的歌声在起之中流露出丰富的情感,听到她的嗓音,像是听到希望般,令人感到一种温柔的力量,将听者的心逐渐融化。《Someday》、《To Where You Are》温柔而饱满的音色,偶尔低吟偶尔高亢,声音如光丝与春溪般地轻跃着,一一展露出她自然而不做作的嗓音。

3.Someday-Chloe Agnew


When we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray
Someday we may yet live
To live and let live

Life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay
God speed
This bright millennium
On its way
Let it come

Our fight will be won then
We'll stand in the sun then
That bright afternoon
'Till then
On days when the sun is gone
We'll hang on
If we wish upon the moon

There are some days dark and bitter
Seems we haven't got a prayer
But a prayer for something better
Is the one thing we all share
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:38:00 | 显示全部楼层

具有500年历史的The Vienna Choir Boys (维也纳少年合唱团)的前身是奥地利皇家童声合唱团,他们个个都是经过严格的挑选,每个团员都具备了艺术气质和可爱的童稚之心。作为世界最杰出的音乐团体之一。他们天使般的歌声,风靡全球,其可爱的足迹踏遍了世界各大城市。一起来听听这首《Heidenroslein》!

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:39:00 | 显示全部楼层

Declan Galbraith 有着可爱无邪的笑容,对于他的声音,我只有用“震撼”这个词来形容!天生高亢、凄美发好嗓音,用心投入的方式张力十足,我想这就是他给许多人的第一印象。Declan 的音质细腻带点一丝丝的尖锐,但是在他的掌控之下,歌声能有很好的发挥,低音的部分轻柔动人,高音的部分有着音乐家的力量和他独树一帜的淒美感,他确实有着一副可以撼动人心的好嗓音!本专辑收录了他的《I'll Be There》、《Auld Lang Syne》,以及用做本专辑结束的《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》,把这首歌曲用做本专辑的压轴曲目,我认为是再合适不过了。

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:40:00 | 显示全部楼层


1998年英国出现了这位当时年仅12岁,史上年紀最轻,横跨流行与古典榜的天才歌手Charlotte Church !她一次公开的卡拉OK歌唱比赛献声,她天生的一副好歌喉和甜美纯真的外表立即引起极大的轰动,如此的出道过程在古典音乐界更算是史上破天荒头一遭!你以为你会听到一个稚气的声音,台风稳健地模仿大人唱歌吗?不,那不是天真而充满自信的Charlotte 的歌声,她拥有和所有成熟女高音一样的发音技巧,却绝对只唱她自己有感觉的音乐,她的声音来自她体内一处与感情共鸣的底层,那是只有神童才能触及的领域。这次收录了她的《Bridge Over Troubled Water》,以及与Billy Gilman 合作的《Dream a Dream》。她已经有全球销量破千万张的佳绩,谁也不知道,她将来将会达到一个怎样的高度。

6.Bridge Over Troubled Water-Charlotte Church

Bridge Over Troubled Water歌词

when you're weary feelin' small
when tears are in your eyes
i will dry them all
i'm on your side
oh, when times get rough

and friends just can't be found
like a bridge over troubled water
i will lay me down
like a bridge over troubled water
i will lay me down

when you're down and out
when you're on the street
when evening falls so hard
i will comfort you
i'll take your part
oh, when darkness comes
and pain is all around
like a bridge over troubled water
i will lay me down
like a bridge over troubled water
i will lay me down

sail on silver girl
sail on by
your time has come to shine
all your dreams are on their way
see how they shine
oh, if you need a friend
i'm sailing right behind
like a bridge over troubled water
i will ease your mind
like a bridge over troubled water
i will ease your mind

11.Dream A Dream-Charlotte Church & Billy Gilman

Dream A Dream歌词

when the night is still,
and the sea is calm,
lonely shadow, you call upon me
lay by my side,
fear not tonight,
lonely shadow, you'll find a new light.
dream a dream
and see through angel's eyes
a place where we can fly away
ride with me upon a shining star,
above the moonlit sky
we will find elysium.

hear the nightengale
sing a lullaby,
lonely shadow, you'll find a new light.
dawn will be kind,
all will be bright,
lonely shadow, rise from the darkness.
dream a dream
and see through angel's eyes
a place where we can fly away
ride with me upon a shining star,
above the moonlight sky
dream a dream
and see through angel's eyes
a place where we can fly away
dream a dream
and see through angel's eyes
a place where we can fly away
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:42:00 | 显示全部楼层

Billy Gilman 的歌声很清澈高亢,情感丰沛圆润,有着其他流行童声歌手没有的厚实度,聆听他的歌声,你将会感到温暖和喜悦。首张专辑《One Voice》让Billy Gilman 得到了美国“Billboard”告示牌四项大奖及全美音乐奖和格莱美奖的提名,更是让Billy Gilman 奠定了他在乡村童声中无可撼动的地位。《Spend Another Night》的高音,《One Voice》的纯洁,都是多么的让人激动呀。其实许多人认为Billy Gilman 的声音最完美的阶段是在2001年,变声以前的时候。那时侯的他已经很好的把握了唱歌的技巧了,《Our First Kiss》中真假声的转换,《Some Things I Know》能够唱得让你有想要抬头看星星的欲望,我无法想象谁还能把这些歌曲演绎得更好?

8.Some Things I Know-Billy Gilman

Some Things I Know歌词

there's some things i know to be true
snow is white, and the ocean is blue
rain is wet, and it falls from the sky
and the stars come out every night
and just as sure as the sun will rise
this love is real, you see in my eyes
fantasy and it will grow
some things i know

there's some things in life i need
water to drink, air to breathe
a place to rest when i need sleep
when i'm hungry, food to eat
as sure as i need the lord above
that's how much i need her love
and i need shelter from the cold
some things i know

there's some things in life i want
to be thankful for all i've got
a friend to talk with, a hand to hold
to still be young when i grow old
and i want all my dreams to come true
and i want to share them all with you
and i just had to tell you so
some things i know

oh, i just had to tell you so
there's some things i know.
18.Our First Kiss-Billy Gilman

Our First Kiss歌词

the last thing on my mind
when i closed my eyes
oooo oooo oooo my my
is our first kiss

it might've been rainin'
it might've been sunny,
it could've been your house
it might've been monday

the truth is i'm clueless
a little bit hazy
but when i remember
i can almost taste it
the last thing on my mind

when i closed my eyes
ooo ooo ooo my my
is our first kiss
shooby do bob bob

a tiny bit nervous
i'd never been kissed
did you open your eyes?
cause i never did
i couldn't say nothin'
as i let it sink it,
i was just waiting to kiss you again!

shooby do bob bob
aaa yeah yeah
the first thing on my mind
when i opened my eyes
baby, ooo ooo ooo my my
that's as far as it gets
shooby do bob bob
aaa yeah yeah
the last thing on my mind
when i closed my eyes
baby,ooo ooo ooo my my
is our first kiss
shooby do bob bob
yeah, yeah, yeah
the first thing on my mind
when i opened my eyes
yeah, ooo ooo ooo my my
that's as far as it gets
shooby do bob bob
yeah, yeah, yeah
20.One Voice-Billy Gilman

One Voice歌词

some kids have and some kids don't
and some of us are wondering why.

and mom won't watch the news at night
there's too much stuff that's making her cry.

we need some help
down here on earth
a thousand prayers, a million words
but one voice was heard.

a house, a yard, a neighborhood
where you can ride your new bike to school.

a kind of world where mom and dad
still believe the golden rule

life's not that simple
down here on earth.
a thousand prayers, a million words
but one voice was heard.

one voice
one simple word
hearts know what to say
one dream can change the world
keep believing till you find your way

yesterday while walking home
i saw some kid on newbury road
he pulled a pistle from his bag
and tossed it in the river below

thanks for the help
down here on earth
a thousand prayers, a million words
but one voice was heard
one voice was heard
one voice was heard
21.Spend Another Night-Billy Gilman

Spend Another Night歌词

i instantly knew when i saw you
you and i would be forever
hearts never apart, true from the start
to each other and together
there's nothing we can't do
and until the end of time
if you tell me you'll be mine
i'm never gonna spend another night
without you in my dreams
for the rest of my life
i'm gonna reach out to you honestly and try
to give you what you need
with all of my mind
cuz nothing has ever felt so real and so right
so i'm never gonna spend another night
without you in my dreams

is you i saw in my heart
even alone in the dark
i can feel the light of our love shining
we are so meant to be
that we're definately
destiny and there's no denying
that i love you
though it's so cliche
there's nothing else to say but...
i'm never gonna spend another night
without you in my dreams
for the rest of my life
i'm gonna reach out to you honestly and try
to give you what you need
with all of my mind
cuz nothing has ever felt so real and so right
so i'm never gonna never gonna
never gonna spend another night
without you in my dreams
i'm never gonna spend another night

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

《Les Choristes》来自法国电影《The Choirs》(放牛班的春天/唱诗班男孩)主题曲。这部电影在法国取得了巨大的成功,是当地2004年上映的最卖座电影。音乐是本片的主题,里面的歌曲没有一般儿童合唱团的感觉,唱着圣诞颂歌似的传统歌曲,而是充满了强劲的感觉,而且差不多全部都是原创歌曲。

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

Triple Image & Stevie Brock 的《Boy Next Door》,来自美国少女组合Triple Image的《Celebrate》专辑中的一首歌曲,她们因为不错的和声及对Rap的熟练掌握而在美国受到欢迎。在《Boy Next Door》中,你可以听见Stevie Brock 演唱的一段很有特色的电话答录,这或许也是为Stevie Brock 的出道宣传做前期的准备吧。

10.Boy Next Door-Triple Image & Stevie Brock

Boy Next Door歌词

Dear Stevie,
I just wanted to let you know,
that I've been thinking about ya lately.
And since you've been gone,
I wanna let you know,
that I miss you boy, I miss you boy.
Well it's been 3 weeks since you went away,
it might sound crazy but I count the days.
I miss the little things that we used to do,
and those are the things that I liked about you.
And now you're gone I don't know what to do.
You never knew I had a crush on you.
i miss you boy, I miss you boy

Well I wake up in the morning and get ready for school,
combin' my hair, trying to look cool.
But I looked in the mirror and I said to myself,
why'd you have to leave me all by myself?
I know you didn't know it never said it before,
but I had a crush on the boy next door.
I miss you boy, I miss you boy

I had a crush on the boy next door and now hes gone
shoulda told him before but its never too late to be my friend
maybe someday I'll see you again and I wanna tell you from my heart
I know what it's like to be apart
I miss you boy (I miss ya boy) I miss you boy (I miss ya boy!)

Well as time goes on its easy to see,
that you were the one the one for me.
I don't know how to say it you know its true,
cuz all I do is think about you.
Cuz you're on my mind every minute of the day,
and now its time to you hear me say
I miss you boy I miss you boy

Well the summer times coming,
I wanna see you again.
I hope you come back,
and be my best friend.
Now i hope in my heart that this dream'll come true,
cuz without you its like a roomin of you
I want you to know, I never felt this before but I miss you.
Love, the girl next door
I miss you boy, I miss you boy

::ring ring::
'Hey, this is Briana leave a message at the tone!'
Hey Bree this is Stevie.
Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye,
but i hope you get this message,
cuz I miss ya so much
I know you're far away,
but we can still keep in touch
I know you never knew I never said it before
I got a crush on you the girl next door
I miss ya girl...I miss ya girl

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:44:00 | 显示全部楼层

《Lebt Denn Dr Alte Holzmichl Noch》是在2004年新崛起的小童声Toni 所演唱的,不过才7岁就已灌录了个人首張专辑。Toni 看似一位普通的可爱小孩,登台演唱却是让人无法把视线转移,不怯场的他天生就是能够在舞台上发光的优秀艺人,响亮、清澈的稚气嗓音和无比准确的节拍音准,非常容易讨大家的欢心!

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:45:00 | 显示全部楼层

Michael Jackson 也是因为当年作为童声歌手而出名的,那么The Jackson 5 也就算是流行童声的前辈了。1969年年底,他们发行了首张单曲《I Want You Back》迅速登上排行榜榜首的位置,创造了《ABC》、《I'll Be There》、《The Love You save》等热门畅销歌曲,至今都不难听到这些歌曲穿插在电影中或是被翻唱,本专辑收录了他们的《I Want You Back (Remix 88)》。

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:45:00 | 显示全部楼层

Tevin Campbell 的歌唱才华是与身俱来的。1989年,音乐大师Quincy Jones 极为欣赏12岁Tevin 的清亮且极富灵魂的歌声,因此邀请Tevin 加入他的专辑《Back on The Block》,当时很多人认为,这个机会应该是保留给Michael Jackson 的呢!因此他便以12岁的稚龄一鸣惊人,造就了他的首支冠军单曲《Tomorrow (A Better You, Better Me)》。

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:46:00 | 显示全部楼层

Daniel Siegert 是在是参加的法国的Star Search 脱颖而出的新秀,干净温柔的唱腔不时透露出天生的爆发力,并且有着良好的节奏感。本专辑收录了他的《Let The Sunshine》。

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 23:47:00 | 显示全部楼层

Clemence & Jean-Baptiste Maunier 双童声协奏曲《Concerto pour deux voix》。这首歌,应该称做曲,没有一点歌词,只是两个曼妙的童声在管旋乐的衬托下穿梭游离的,这种形式不失为展现最真切天籁歌喉的最佳方式,一切词的修饰都是多余的。

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-17 16:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-10-25 00:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-11-22 01:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-11-22 01:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-11-23 14:35:00 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2006-1-21 06:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-1-21 14:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用jasmine-dai在2006-1-21 6:06:00的发言:


 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-16 11:31:00 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2010-7-9 12:29:00 | 显示全部楼层

顶顶! 顶顶!

发表于 2010-7-9 12:29:00 | 显示全部楼层

顶顶! 顶顶!

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